I am Xiongxin Yang (杨熊鑫). Now, I am a research assistant at New York University Shanghai, where I am fortunately mentored by Professor Jie Xue. Previously, I received my bachelor’s degree in computer science from School of Information Science and Technology, Northeast Normal University, where I had the privilege of being extensively guided by Professor Zhiguo Fu. During my undergraduate years, I also benefited greatly from the guidance of Professor Yitong Yin at Nanjing University.

I love scientific research. My research interests lie in the general area of theoretical computer science (or more broadly, mathematics in computer science), with a focus on counting and sampling. Recently, I have also been working on computational geometry.

Beyond research, I also like to see things from a theoretical perspective, such as social science, art, literature. Although I don't have much relevant expertise. 😶

[Feb. 14, 2025]
I will visit Hong Kong University from Feb. 23, 2025, to March 8, 2025, hosted by Prof. Weiming Feng.

[Feb. 7, 2025]
One paper on dynamically maintaining the maximum depth of geometric objects was accepted by SoCG 2025.

[Oct. 4, 2024]
One paper on establishing spectral independence via an approximate inverse of the influence matrix was accepted by SODA 2025.

[Oct. 1, 2024]
I will join New York University Shanghai as a research assistant in fall 2024 (Oct. 2024 to Jan. 2025).

[Jun. 29, 2024]
I just graduated from Northeast Normal University as an outstanding graduate student (优秀毕业生). 😭

[Mar. 2, 2024]
One paper on the windability barrier for the six-vertex model and approximability of the four-vertex model was accepted by Theor. Comput. Sci..
